Every Cloud is a Community Interest Company (C.I.C.).
This means that we operate on a not-for-profit basis with any profit made
being put directly back into funding sessions at Every Cloud.
By working in this way, our aim is to help as many children
as possible to access our services when they need them.
Ways to Support
Every Cloud Play and Creative Arts Therapy CIC
There are many ways you can support the work we do at Every Cloud as an individual or family, we have listed a few below. We also have our Silver Lining Corporate Social Responsibility Programme where there are many ways for businesses to get involved with fundraising for Every Cloud. If you would like to know any more please contact Caroline on 07494756239 admin@everycloudtherapy.org.uk . Thank you.
Cheltenham Lottery

Every Cloud has joined the Cheltenham Lottery - a great way to support us and possibly win £25,000 for yourself.
£1 per ticket - our lottery tickets are only £1 per week. 50% of the profit goes to your chosen cause and 10% to other causes in Cheltenham.
Match all 6 numbers and you win the JACKPOT!
Click on the link to sign up and thank you for your support.

Easy Fundraising
over 8,000 retailers will now donate to us for FREE every time you use #easyfundraising to shop with them.
so please sign up to support us – it’s completely FREE and doesn’t take long.
Bring your empty ink cartridges into Every Cloud – box in our waiting room
Or host a box in your office - https://www.recycle4charity.co.uk/BoxOrder.aspx
Recycle Ink Cartridges

#RunCheltenham - Team Superhero

Run Cheltenham Half or Cheltenham 10K 21st September 2025
Raise funds for Every Cloud
Our amazing fundraisers...

Chris decided to start of 2024 with a running challenge … specifically the Walt Disney World Run Marathon weekend challenge. Running a full marathon, half marathon, 10K, 5K all within the weekend.
4 races . 4 days . 48.6 miles .
Now that is a Dopey Challenge !
Chris raised £1,000 thank you, you are a star!
If you think you might be able to raise money (though personal fundraising, Corporate Social Responsibility at work or grants) to support the work we do at Every Cloud, please get in touch for more information.
Rose ran the Plymouth 10k and raised £80 for Every Cloud.
Thanks so much, you are awesome!

Steve and Stu ran the Cheltenham Half Marathon dressed as Woody and Buzz, raising £250 for Every Cloud. Thanks guys we are so proud of you!